civil war apm music

APM at the Movies: A24’s Civil War

24 May 2024

A24’s Alex Garland-directed film Civil War is set to make its digital debut on May 24th. This dystopian film starring Kirstin Dunst depicts a divided America at war and serves as a cautionary tale for our current political climate.  

Civil War is A24’s most controversial, most costly, and their 2nd most successful film to date. It grossed $25 million in box office revenue on its opening weekend and is still going strong grossing over $111 million as of May 19th. 

One of the most memorable scenes is a sniper scene in an abandoned Christmas attraction. This surreal scene depicts a dangerous face-off between opposing sides with KPM’s Silent Night arranged by Adam Saunders and Mark Cousins playing hauntingly in the background. This peaceful and majestic orchestral arrangement is nicely juxtaposed with the violent exchange which helps bring home the message of the film. 

Watch Civil War on VOD on Prime Video and Apple TV+.


By Sarah Scarlata